1040 trees planted in the Pacuare river basin

- The Verto Education Program hosted by CATIE planted native trees, generating a positive impact for a large biological corridor in the cantons of Turrialba and Siquirres.
November 14, 2022. On November 11, 142 students from the Verto Education program program traveled to the "Terciopelo" farm, which borders the Pacuare River, to plant 1040 trees in the watershed of this important tributary in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the operation during their stay in Costa Rica.
The project was possible thanks to the education abroad program in coordination with CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) who donated 700 of these trees, together with SINAC(its Spanish acronym).National Conservation Areas System, ICE (its Spanish acronym), Costa Rican Electricity Institute, who also contributed 250 trees, Mariposas del Pacuare and RAFA (Rivers and Forests Alliance)owner of the property.
"We are very happy with the activity as it definitely connected the students with issues such as reforestation, climate change and conservation. They got to experience firsthand the positive turn that we want to make in the world. It was a very emotional moment, since they are also continuing the legacy of Rafael Gallo, founder of RAFA and that aims to protect the natural resources of the canton," said Luis Quirós, CATIE - Verto Education liaison officer.
The educational abroad program currently hosted at the CATIE campus, apart from generating academic benefits for the visiting student community, has a direct impact on the community, commerce and the environment. "They not only take away experiences that will build them in their next university process, but they also contribute to the distribution of wealth. Thanks to the investment they make in businesses in the canton or in transportation, they promote jobs and benefits for a large local value chain," said Quirós.
This same week, the Costa Rican newspaper La Nación, pointed out CATIE as one of the leading institutions in taking advantage of alliances with international educational programs that generated an increase in foreign exchange income to the country from educational trips in the first semester of 2022.
- Read the article here: Arrival of foreign students leaves $38 million in six months
The activity results in the reforestation of the watershed of one of the emblematic rivers at international level in the field of conservation, which in turn will also generate positive effects for the biological corridor Barbilla - Destierro Paso del Jaguar, as well as raise awareness about the planting of almond trees that motivates the arrival of the Lapa Verde.
The student community enjoyed breakfast at CATIE and after an hour's drive arrived in the community of Santa Marta and walked 600 meters to the planting site.
Groups of 15 to 20 people were formed and were given a talk to understand the logistics of planting and about 4 trees were delivered per member. We worked for 2 hours and finished around noon with lunch.
They then traveled to the Mariposas del Pacuare site where they were given several inductions, including one on the importance of conservation of the green macaw. Some of the native species that were planted were: Laurel, Ceiba, Sabana Oak, Cortez Negro, Cedro Amargo, Zahino and Almendro.
On November 20, Verto Education will have a new space for community outreach when they participate in a volunteer day called #Noseasplástico, which aims to clean the banks of a sector of the Turrialba River in the center of the canton.
Together with different organizations and environmental groups, CATIE joins as organizer of this important activity with the purpose of supporting the efforts of the Turrialba community towards a cleaner, more environmentally conscious and friendly canton.
To learn about VertoEducation:
Earn Credit While Traveling Abroad | Verto Education + Academic Provider
Rivers and Forests Alliance:
Alianza Ríos y Bosques – RAFA (riversandforestsalliance.org)

More information:
Luis Quirós Chaves
CATIE - Verto Liaison Officer
Tel: 70500212
Mail: luis.quiros@catie.ac.cr
Written by:
Esteban Rodríguez Zamora
Information Technology and Communication