What are the challenges and guidelines for modern and sustainable cocoa farming in Latin America and the Caribbean?

- Find out by participating in a regional forum, organized by CATIE, KoLFACI and SICACAO, to be held from August 30 to September 1, under the hybrid modality. Find the agenda of this forum here.
June 14, 2023. CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), the Korean Cooperation for Food and Agriculture in Latin America (KoLFACI) and the Cocoa Committee of Central America and the Dominican Republic (SICACAO), in alliance with public and private stakeholders in the sector, are pleased to invite you to participate in the Latin American-Caribbean Cocoa Forum: challenges and guidelines for a modern and sustainable cocoa farming in the region. A space for the exchange of knowledge, innovations and best practices, in order to achieve a profitable and sustainable cocoa crop.
The forum, which is free of charge, will be held under the hybrid modality (virtual and on-site in Costa Rica), from August 30 to September 1. The first two days will be held in San José, at the Crowne Plaza Corobicí Hotel, and the third day in Turrialba, with a field tour of CATIE, including a visit to the International Cocoa Collection.
During the forum, keynote presentations will be made by researchers and managers of commercial cocoa farms in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as panel discussions to generate consensus on strategies, best practices and priority actions to strengthen national and regional cocoa plans.
At a global level, six topics will be covered:
- Cocoa breeding for resilience and adaptation to climate change.
- Productivity, profitability, risks and management of modern cocoa farming
- Deforestation for cocoa and its risks to European and U.S. markets.
- Contamination risks in cocoa (heavy metals) and remediation strategies.
- Consolidation of tasting panels, quality standards and geographical indications.
- Strengthening of the institutional framework and trade associations in the region.
Rolando Cerda, main coordinator of the forum and leader of CATIE's Coffee and Cocoa Agroforestry and Genetic Improvement Unit, commented that the forum will be important to bring together the main stakeholders of the regional cocoa sector and discuss relevant topics, in order to reinforce not only national or regional cocoa plans, but also the technical and scientific actions of development projects and research centers. "It is expected that the presentations of technicians and scientists from 10 countries, as well as participants from at least 30 institutions, platforms and/or projects will enrich the exchanges in panels and working tables," said Cerda.
Cerda also pointed out that the forum is organized within the framework of CATIE's 50th anniversary and will include a field tour and special events on the campus of this pioneering institution in genetic improvement and agro-forestry with cocoa.
Free registration for the forum is now open; under the on-site modality, registration includes entrance to the forum, refreshments and lunches. Expenses such as arrival in the country, lodging and others are not included and are the responsibility of the participant or his/her institution. Virtual registration is free of charge
We invite you to register in the modality of your preference through the following links:
You can review the objectives and agenda of the forum here.
More information:
Luis Orozco
Agroforestry and Coffee and Cocoa Genetic Improvement Unit
Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Information Technology and Communication
Tag:cacao, foro, sostenible