Turrialba Municipal Council declares Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim, General Director of CATIE, an Adopted Son of the City

- This appointment recognizes the General Director of CATIE for his management and support to the canton of Turrialba.
June 29, 2023. In an ordinary session held by the Municipal Council of Turrialba, a motion was presented to grant the honorary title of "Adopted Son of the City" to Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim, General Director of CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), who will complete his term of office in March 2024.
The motion, presented last May 19 by Arturo Rodríguez, municipal president, was unanimously accepted by councilors Elizabeth Bermúdez, Kevin Aguilar, Mariano Sáenz, Octavio Arce and Flora Solano.
The formal delivery of this recognition took place this June 29, in a special session of the Municipal Council held in the CATIE Ex-Directors Room, in Turrialba, Costa Rica.
"I thank the local government authorities for considering me to receive this honorable distinction. I also thank CATIE and this beautiful community that opened its doors and hearts to me since 1987 so that my family and I could be part of it. In Turrialba I established new friendships that I consider part of my family and I learned about the values, culture and sports of the canton. Today, with this distinction, I feel even more motivated to continue working with community stakeholders and the Director General of IICA to implement actions that promote Inclusive Green Development," said Dr. Ibrahim.
The decision to award this title to Dr. Ibrahim is based on several factors that highlight the importance of CATIE and its close relationship with the canton of Turrialba. Among the points considered is the fact that this year CATIE celebrates its 50th anniversary, as well as the 120th anniversary of the founding of Turrialba.
According to municipal official letter SM-609-2023, Dr. Ibrahim has demonstrated a deep commitment and outstanding work for the benefit of Turrialba. During his administration, he has given his unconditional support to the community of Turrialba, especially in critical moments such as natural disasters and emergencies of cantonal scope, making available the resources of CATIE.
“Declarar al Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim como Hijo Adoptivo de la Ciudad busca reconocer su identificación con Turrialba y el papel fundamental que ha desempeñado en el desarrollo y fortalecimiento del CATIE, generando transformaciones positivas tanto a nivel internacional como local. Además, se destaca la estrecha relación histórica entre Turrialba y el CATIE, cuyos directores han dejado una huella significativa en la historia del cantón”, afirmó Arturo Rodríguez, presidente municipal de Turrialba.
"Declaring Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim as Adopted Son of the City seeks to recognize his identification with Turrialba and the fundamental role he has played in the development and strengthening of CATIE, generating positive transformations both internationally and locally. In addition, it highlights the close historical relationship between Turrialba and CATIE, whose directors have left a significant mark on the history of the canton," said Arturo Rodríguez, municipal president of Turrialba.
During the municipal session to present the award, Luis Fernando León, Mayor of Turrialba, listed the main contributions of CATIE to the world and highlighted Dr. Ibrahim as a specialist in sustainable livestock, but also as a human being. "Since Muhammad arrived in Turrialba, he won the heart and respect of the people of Turrialba. I recognize in him his courage because he always sees many opportunities in CATIE and in Turrialba. He is a great human being. I believe that friendship is the most important ingredient in the recipe of life. Thank you Muhammad for your friendship, congratulations CATIE, and may this institution always live", said the Mayor.
With this distinction, Turrialba honors and thanks Dr. Ibrahim's work for the benefit of the canton and the valuable legacy he left as General Director of CATIE. In addition, the recognition reaffirms the close ties between CATIE and the Turrialba community, and highlights the importance of collaboration between institutions to promote Inclusive Green Development and the progress of the region.
About Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim
Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim is a Guyanese who has lived in Costa Rica for more than 30 years, most of them in Turrialba. He is 65 years old and is a recognized specialist in environmental livestock. He holds a PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, from Wageningen Agricultural University; a Master's degree in Agricultural Sciences of Renewable Natural Resources, with emphasis in Ruminant Nutrition from CATIE; and a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Guyana.
Since March 2016, until the present, he has served as Director General of CATIE. Previously, from 2012 to 2016 he was Manager of the Innovation for Productivity and Competitiveness Program and Associate Director of the Technical Cooperation Program of the Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). From 1995 to 2012 he was the leader and founder of CATIE's Livestock and Environmental Management Program.
As founder of this program he has played an important role in the transition from traditional systems to environmentally friendly and competitive livestock systems. He has developed silvopastoral methodologies and technologies and sustainable livestock systems that have been adopted by livestock families in Latin America and the Caribbean, thus contributing to improve their livelihoods.
In addition, Dr. Ibrahim has extensive experience as a postgraduate research professor and is the author of numerous scientific publications in regional and international journals.
His love for Turrialba is indisputable, he is proud to be considered a Turrialbeño. During his tenure at CATIE he has always kept the doors of the institution open for the entire community, has sought close communication and collaboration with the main authorities of the canton and enjoys the things that daily life in Turrialba has to offer, such as the Independence Championship, the Cheese Fair and a carne asada at Betico Mata.
CATIE is an international center for innovation and sustainable development in areas related to agriculture, management, conservation, and sustainable use of natural resources. In our actions, we combine education, research, and external projection to increase human well-being and reduce rural poverty. Our area of influence is the Latin American and Caribbean region. We are leaders in the integrated management of agriculture and natural resources to address global challenges.

Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Communications and Marketing Office