CATIE and PROMECAFE Launch New Master and Diploma in Sustainable and Innovative Coffee Farming

- Registration is already open, and the deadline for enrollment is November 25, 2023.
October 5, 2023. The CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) has introduced its new International Master's program in Sustainable and Resilient Coffee Farming and the Technical Diploma in Innovative Coffee Farming in collaboration with the Regional Cooperative Program for Technological Development and Modernization of Coffee Farming (PROMECAFE).
The significant challenges posed by the ongoing impacts of climate change, degradation of coffee agroecosystems, and general uncertainties caused by policies and markets jeopardize the enormous environmental, social, and economic potential of coffee production. This new academic offering is crucial for comprehensive training of professionals with robust capabilities to contribute to the transformation of coffee farming towards a more sustainable and inclusive economy.
The academic offering presented by CATIE and PROMECAFE aims to prioritize the advancement of coffee-producing families towards sustainability, starting with the economic dimension, which, in turn, enables the social and environmental dimensions, so that all stakeholders fully understand their role in the chain and the potential for adding value to the final product," emphasized René León Gómez, executive secretary of PROMECAFE.
Since 1978, PROMECAFE was established with the aim of improving and developing technology applied to coffee farming in Mesoamerica, primarily to address challenges associated with pests and diseases such as coffee rust and coffee berry disease, problems never before seen in regional coffee farming.
On the other hand, CATIE's Graduate School has focused for over 70 years on training leaders, making it the longest-standing university in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in agriculture and natural resource conservation topics.
During this trajectory, pioneering scientific production has been achieved worldwide in coffee-related themes, such as the AGROFORESTA network; the International Coffee Collection, considered the fourth largest on the planet; and the Long-Term Trial in Agroforestry Systems in Coffee, the largest global platform for continuous studies with over two decades of operation.
"This offering is unique in the current context for high-level technical training and is in line with the significant challenges of transforming coffee farming towards adaptation and mitigation of climate change, restoration of agroecosystems, promotion of the quality of life of producer families, workers, and consumers," emphasized Elias de Melo Virginio, academic coordinator of the master's program.
Leading the Transformation of Coffee Farming
The new program is born for the sustainable and regenerative strengthening of coffee agroecosystems, allowing the development of skills and tools to promote innovative, environmentally sustainable, socially equitable, and economically viable coffee farming.
The joint offering will provide the possibility of two entry and exit profiles: master's or diploma. For the master's degree, three corresponding diplomas plus a Final Graduation Project must be completed, which include:
- Technical and Postgraduate Diploma in Innovative Coffee Farming (in collaboration with PROMECAFE).
- International Diploma in Biodiversity and Genetic Improvement of Coffee.
- International Diploma in Agroecological and Climatic Foundations for Resilient Coffee Farming.
For the master's and diplomas, the minimum requirements include a bachelor's degree in fields such as agronomy, forestry engineering, agroforestry, environmental science, biology, economics, or related fields, as well as proficiency in the Spanish language.
Additionally, various payment methods are available according to preference. If you are interested, we invite you to begin your admission process for the new Master's in Sustainable and Regenerative Coffee Farming or the technical diploma with PROMECAFE.
More information:
Elias de Melo Virginio
International Master's in Sustainable and Regenerative Coffee Farming
Dulce Obin
Operations Coordinator of PROMECAFE
International Diploma in Innovative Coffee Farming
Written by:
Dannia Gamboa Solís
Communications Officer
Information Technology and Communication