CATIE graduates take on prominent roles in Latin American universities
- Juan Rosa Quintanilla and Edgar Fernando Talavera, CATIE graduates, were appointed as Rector and Dean, respectively, at renowned educational institutions in the region.
October 31, 2023. Two outstanding CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) graduates have reached leadership positions in the educational field in Latin America.
Juan Rosa Quintanilla, a native of El Salvador and a graduate of the 1993-1994 graduating class, assumed the presidency of the University of El Salvador.
On the other hand, Edgar Fernando Talavera, a Bolivian national and graduate of the 2003-2004 graduating class, was appointed dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the Evangelical Bolivian University.
CATIE, with more than 70 years of academic experience, celebrates the success of its graduates, who carry with them the knowledge and values imparted by the institution to different corners of the world. The vast majority of CATIE graduates apply the knowledge acquired in their professional work, contributing significantly to the development of their countries. More than 70% have held leadership positions and almost 60% have participated in initiatives to influence policy.
The and IICA Alumni Association (AGCATIE by its Spanish acronym) and other related associations in different countries allow graduates to stay connected and access exclusive benefits offered by the institution. This network of contacts and collaboration among graduates strengthens the positive impact they have in their respective communities and in the professional arena.
The appointment of Juan Rosa Quintanilla and Edgar Fernando Talavera as leaders in recognized educational institutions is a testament to the commitment and excellence that characterizes CATIE graduates in the pursuit of academic excellence and sustainable development in the region.
"For CATIE it is a source of pride to know that graduates of this house of studies have managed to assume important positions. We will be attentive to develop academic and scientific cooperation ties with them and the institutions they represent, to contribute to the solution of problems and challenges facing our region," said Muhammad Ibrahim, general director of CATIE.
Finally, Mariela Leandro, dean of CATIE's Graduate School, expressed that from the school they feel very proud to see graduates stand out and take leadership positions in their countries, thus strengthening the institutional mission of training leaders with a serious commitment to society and the environment.
Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Communications and Marketing Office