CATIE addresses the impact of global warming in marine-coastal zones of Honduras through a webinar

- Lenin Corrales, from CATIE's Climate Action Unit, shared knowledge on the effects of global warming in a virtual event organized by SENACIT.
November 21, 2023. On November 20, Lenin Corrales, senior advisor of the Climate Action Unit of CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), had the opportunity to give a webinar entitled: How global warming is affecting marine-coastal systems in Honduras.
The modality of this event was online, through Zoom, with live transmission via Facebook Live.
The main objective of the webinar was to promote scientific dissemination and improve knowledge and skills related to the effects of global warming in the marine-coastal areas of Honduras.
During the session, Corrales shared relevant information on the state of the climate globally, regionally and specifically in Honduras. He also addressed the effects of global warming on coastal ecosystems, highlighting the importance of addressing anthropogenic threats and promoting adaptation to climate change in these critical systems.
The webinar, which had the active participation of 150 people interested in learning more about the topic, was organized by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of Honduras (SENACIT).
If you would like to relive this enriching webinar and deepen your understanding of how global warming affects the marine-coastal zones of Honduras, you can access the full recording here. here.
Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Communications and Marketing Office