Vice President of Guatemala recognizes CATIE's support to national efforts

- César Guillermo Castillo Reyes, Vice President of Guatemala, highlighted CATIE's key role in meeting national development priorities.
December 21, 2023. The Vice President of Guatemala, César Guillermo Castillo Reyes, expressed his sincere thanks to CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) for the support and accompaniment provided during the 2020-2024 administration. This support has been fundamental for the fulfillment of the National Development Priorities and the General Government Policy in Guatemala.
In the official letter to CATIE, the Vice President highlighted the importance of forging strategic alliances with various stakeholders, including international organizations, civil society, indigenous communities, academic institutions and the business sector.

He also emphasized that this continuous accompaniment and support will be essential to achieve the objectives set by the elected authorities, thus improving the quality of life of the Guatemalan population.
Vice President Castillo Reyes' recognition highlights CATIE's commitment to collaborate closely with government entities to promote sustainable development and the well-being of communities, demonstrating the value of international cooperation in the realization of national goals.

Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Communications and Marketing Office