INIAF Bolivia recognizes Rolando Cerda for his contribution to sustainable agricultural development
- The CATIE researcher was distinguished for his support of international cooperation projects aimed at improving coffee and cocoa production.
The National Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Innovation (INIAF) of Bolivia, led by Windson July, has awarded special recognition to Rolando Cerda, researcher and leader of the Coffee and Cocoa Agroforestry and Genetic Improvement Unit at CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), for his outstanding work and commitment to international cooperation projects in the agricultural field.
The formal recognition ceremony highlighted the successful collaboration between CATIE and INIAF, which has endured for three years. Both institutions have worked together in various areas, including research and training, with a particular focus on addressing the challenges posed by climate change.
Additionally, they have cooperated in genetic improvement to enhance the production and quality of coffee and cocoa crops in Bolivia, two key products for the country's economy and sustainable development.
The ceremony not only served to honor Cerda's achievements but also to renew the commitment between both institutions to continue working together for the benefit of sustainable agriculture.
CATIE and INIAF celebrate Cerda's positive impact, whose work has left a significant mark on the agricultural field, inspiring others to follow his example.
This recognition underscores the value of cooperation and leadership in global agriculture, particularly in times where adaptation and innovation are essential to overcome existing challenges.
Double Recognition
In December 2023, the Secretariat of the Korean Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative in Latin America (KoLFACI) also recognized Cerda's work, awarding him the 2023 Global Cooperation Award in Agricultural Technologies.
This distinction, granted by the Rural Development Administration of Korea (RDA), highlighted Cerda's work in the implementation of two research and development projects in the Latin America and Caribbean region, one for coffee and the other for cocoa, funded by KoLFACI. Read more about this topic in Rolando Cerda, CATIE researcher, awarded the Global Cooperation Award in Agricultural Technologies..
More information:
Rolando Cerda
Agroforestry and Coffee and Cocoa Genetic Improvement Unit
Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Communications and Marketing Office
Tag:cacao, reconocimiento