CATIE hosted REDIES' monthly meeting and advances the sustainability agenda for 2025

- Higher education institutions define plans and the celebration of the network’s 15th anniversary
On March 21, CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) hosted the monthly meeting of the Network of Higher Education Institutions for Sustainability (REDIES), of which it has been a founding member since 2010. In this session, representatives of member universities and institutions addressed key aspects for the implementation of the 2025 operational plan and the planning of the network’s 15th anniversary celebration, which will take place next June.
The meeting was attended by representatives from the University of Costa Rica (UCR), the National University (UNA), the University for Peace (UPAZ), La Salle University, San Marcos University, the National Council of Rectors (CONARE), the National Learning Institute (INA), EARTH University, the University of Medical Sciences (UCIMED), INCAE Business School, and the Latin American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT).
Topics discussed included the review of sustainability indicators in higher education institutions, joint projects with the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce (MEIC), and the participation of REDIES in international forums and working sessions of the Alliance of Ibero-American University Networks for Environmental Sustainability (ARIUSA) and the Mesoamerican Alliance of Universities for Sustainability and the Environment (AMUSA).
One of the main agreements reached was the development of a joint research project to document the impact of REDIES in monitoring and developing sustainability indicators, as well as the progress made in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within higher education institutions in Costa Rica.
In addition to being a founding member of the network, CATIE leads the Research Commission, whose objective is to develop tools to facilitate the monitoring of these indicators and improve communication of the results obtained.
REDIES member institutions acknowledge that lack of resources continues to be a fundamental challenge in the implementation of good sustainability practices, as well as the need for greater commitment from university authorities to strengthen these initiatives.
REDIES' work aligns with national and international sustainability goals through compliance with environmental regulations and legislation, the promotion of environmental policies, and the generation of alliances for the implementation of the SDGs in the higher education sector.
Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Communications and Marketing Office