CATIE participated in the XX Congress of the Latin American Society of Nutrition

- Shared experience regarding the use of data and evidence for evidence-based decision making.
October 25, 2023. The XX Congress of the Latin American Society of Nutrition (SLAN) was held in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, from October 21-26, 2023, with the aim of promoting the generation and application of knowledge in the field of nutrition and fostering contact and exchange among researchers to analyze and propose alternatives to improve the nutritional status of the Latin American population.

More than 700 professionals in nutrition and other sciences participated in this event, who exchanged experiences and knowledge in the different sessions, symposiums and keynote lectures. As part of this dynamic, Eduardo Say, coordinator of the National Information Platform on Nutrition (PiNN) Phase II project, showed the experience of this project, which is executed by CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) in Guatemala and financed by the European Union.
Say presented the paper Data and Information Management: evidence-based decision making. This in a space he shared with María Vera, from Acción Contra el Hambre España (Predisan), and Rebecca Heidkamp, from Johns Hopkins University (US) Data DENT, in the framework of the symposium Data and evidence to drive decision-marking processes in nutrition: challenges and opportunities. Data and evidence to drive decision-marking processes in nutrition: challenges and opportunities.
According to Julio Lopez, CATIE representative in Guatemala, these are important spaces to show the good practices that have taken place in the country, in order to promote decision-making processes based on nutrition actions and policies, as well as to share those challenges and opportunities that are key to promote processes in the use of data and evidence.
CATIE's participation in this Latin American congress was given thanks to the invitation by the SLAN 2023 organization and the support of the global coordination of the National Information Platform for Nutrition (NiPN), given the advances in data and information management in food and nutrition security that have occurred in the framework of the PiNN project. National Information Platform for Nutrition (NiPN), dados los avances en la gestión de datos e información en seguridad alimentaria y nutricional que se han dado en el marco del proyecto PiNN.

Written by:
Ninoshka Lou
Communications Officer
PiNN Project/CATIE
Tag:nutrición, Food security