CATIE contributes to research on diversified agriculture published in Science Magazine

- Dr. Rolando Cerda, CATIE researcher, contributed to the global study.
With the co-authorship of the researcher and coordinator of CATIE's Agroforestry Unit, Dr. Rolando Cerda, the journal Science published an article entitled Science publicó un artículo titulado “Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture.
The research, in which 59 researchers from different parts of the world participated, demonstrates that multiple diversification strategies produce important environmental and social benefits, as opposed to the risks posed by monocultures.
The article highlights biologically diverse production systems as a promising solution for more sustainable production. By intentionally increasing the number of agricultural and non-agricultural plant and animal species and their genetic diversity, "they offer an ecological mechanism for higher resource use efficiency, less pollution, improved food sovereignty, and reduced vulnerability to climate change," the publication states.
The study analyzed the environmental and social effects of multiple agricultural diversification strategies, both separately and together, focusing on five types of strategies: the inclusion and diversification of animals (mammals, birds, bees and fish); temporary crop diversification; soil conservation and fertility management (with the application of compost, for example); non-agricultural crops (such as live fences); and water conservation.
In addition to Dr. Cerda's contribution, CATIE also contributed methods and data from experimental sites at the Turrialba campus in Costa Rica, which are mentioned in the supplementary materials of the article.
With these contributions, CATIE reaffirms its commitment to research and implementation of diversified agriculture, livestock and agroforestry at different levels, as components of inclusive green development.
More information:
Dr. Rolando Cerda
Researcher and coordinador of the Unit of Agroforestry and Genetic Improvement of Coffee and Cocoa
Written by:
Alejandro Portilla Navarro
Communications and Marketing Office