Course Strengthens Gender and Indigenous Peoples' Approach Among Key Actors Promoting Food and Nutrition Security in Guatemala

- Public sector personnel and specialists analyzed how to improve data collection, analysis, and communication with a gender approach and the inclusion of indigenous peoples.
From March 5 to 7, in Guatemala City, the course "Gender and Indigenous Peoples' Approach to Addressing Food and Nutrition Security" took place. This training space was promoted by the Global Initiative C4N/NIPN and the National Nutrition Information Platform (PINN) project, funded by the European Union and executed by CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center).
The objective of the course was to strengthen knowledge and awareness of the importance of incorporating a gender and indigenous peoples' approach in food and nutrition security while providing institutions within the National Food and Nutrition Security System (SINASAN) with tools to improve their data collection, processing, analysis, and communication processes.

The event was attended by representatives from the Presidential Secretariat for Women (SEPREM), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), Secretariat of Planning and Programming of the Presidency (SEGEPLAN), National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP), Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS), National Forestry Institute (INAB), Ministry of Public Finance (MINFIN), Consultation and Social Participation Entity (INCOPAS), Secretariat of Food and Nutrition Security of the Presidency of the Republic (SESAN), National Institute of Statistics (INE), CATIE-CBIT Project, and the PINN project. Through lectures, dialogues, and group dynamics, participants analyzed how the gender perspective, indigenous worldview, and the right to food are being addressed in food and nutrition security management.

The sessions covered key topics such as:
- Gender and indigenous peoples: Concepts and implications.
- Data collection, analysis, and communication with a gender perspective.
- Link between nutrition and gender: From data to program development.
The course featured special guests, including: Claudia Barillas, Project Officer at the Delegation of the European Union in Guatemala (DUEG) and Task Manager of the PINN Project; Regina Valiente, from the Directorate for Public Policy Management for Equity between Men and Women at SEPREM.
The workshop was facilitated by specialists in gender, nutrition, and indigenous peoples, including: Tatiana Gil, physician and expert in public health, gender, and nutrition (C4N-NIPN); Corinna Zelger, junior advisor in nutrition (C4N-NIPN-GIZ); Gabriela Ogaldes, food and nutrition security specialist at CATIE; Gretel Guerra, gender and development specialist at CATIE; Lorena López, expert in ethnicity, ethno-development, and law (CATIE Guatemala).
According to the organizers, this space allowed participants to critically analyze the use of data with gender and indigenous peoples' sensitivity, providing inputs to develop transformative and inclusive programs and projects. Additionally, it highlighted the importance of improving data management to support assertive decision-making in food and nutrition security.
"This initiative reinforces the commitment of institutions and organizations involved in ensuring that food and nutrition security policies and strategies are more equitable and inclusive, ensuring that the data collected reflects the realities and needs of all communities," concluded Eduardo Say, Coordinator of the PINN Project.
Watch testimonials from the workshop here
More information:
Eduardo Say
PiNN Project
CATIE Guatemala
Ana Lucía Vásquez A.
International Management
PiNN Project
CATIE Guatemala
Written by:
Karla Salazar Leiva
Communications Officer
Communications and Marketing Office