Strategic alliances and projects

The Office of Strategic Alliances was created to ensure economic sustainability and respond to funding opportunities. Its main objective is to facilitate support to the research units, graduate school, and national offices, in terms of:

  • Prospecting and intelligence about cooperators and technical service opportunities
  • Support in the preparation and quality control of technical and financial proposals
  • Presentation of proposals
  • Accreditations for the management of proposals
  • Database on experiences related to proposal management
  • Capacity development for proposal management
  • Strengthening alliances with national, regional, and global partners


International Partners

  • Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
  • Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
  • Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE)
  • The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
  • Rainforest Alliance (RA)
  • Atlantic Headquarters Student Association (AESA)
  • IQuality
  • Research Triangle Institute (RTI)
  • GITEC Consult GmbH
  • GOPA Consultants
  • Oxford Committee for Hunger Relief (OXFAM)

Regional partners

  • Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD)
  • Regional Committee of Hydraulic Resources (CRRH)
  • Central American Integration System (SICA)
  • Coordination Center for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC)
  • Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
  • International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

National Partners

Ministries of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment, autonomous institutions (water, risks, forestry, and agriculture, among others)

Regional or Departmental Governments


National Foundations

Local organizations (cooperatives, producer associations and committees, among others)

At CATIE we are known for being a strategic ally in the region since we have been leading for more than 47 years in cutting-edge research for development issues in Agriculture and Natural Resources that promote socioeconomic development and contribute to achieving the climate goals of the environmental agendas in the LAC countries. In addition, we have extensive experience working with local partners, governments, and international cooperation. 

Our main topics of interest are:

  • Food security based on agrobiodiversity and food systems
  • Intensification of livestock production based on good practices in agrosilvopastoral systems
  • Genetic improvement of coffee and cocoa
  • Modern agroforestry for annual and perennial crops
  • Climate action in all its areas
  • Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and its ecosystem services
  • Sustainable economy, environment, and agribusiness in the field of family farming and competitiveness of value chains
  • Water security and sustainable watershed management
  • Restoration of productive and natural ecosystems
  • Use and production of renewable energy in agriculture
  • Training in all the above topics

Our strengths to work together with partners and donors are supported by the following aspects: a) support of a team of more than 100 specialists with high-level academic training and experience in agriculture, natural resources, environment and climate change who know the Latin American and Caribbean area, both in the management and in the execution of national and regional projects; b) national offices that serve as institutional liaison and with local actors, who have knowledge and information about the reality of the countries, in addition to operational and administrative capacity and c) based on research for development , teaching and innovation, at CATIE we generate knowledge about the different issues that constitute contributions for the solution of the problems faced by governmental and local organizations and producers of the agricultural and forestry field.

To support our work for the social and environmental development of our region, you can contact us at:

Headquarters, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica

Location: 3.5 km from Turrialba, road to Siquirres, Cartago, Costa Rica

Director General: Dr. Luis Pocasangre Enamorado, E-mail:

Director Green Business Development, Resource Mobilization and Strategic Partnerships: Angela Díaz, E-mail:

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