
In the era of large volumes and complexity of data, the analysis of information with modern and robust tools is essential to obtain clear results and precise conclusions of the systems and phenomena under study for correct decision making.

What does the work of the unit consist of?

The unit is made up of a multidisciplinary group of experts with training in the disciplines of agronomy, statistics and ecology who support –as a fundamental pillar– the training of students from CATIE's Graduate School and interns from other national and international educational centers, as well as the implementation of courses and workshops for CATIE's partner institutions in the Latin American and Caribbean region, as well as for the Center's own units.

Thanks to this accompaniment, it seeks to propose and adjust new methodologies for sampling design, data capture and statistical analysis that maximize the knowledge generated in a variety of research areas in agronomic, ecological, economic and social systems.

The unit contributes to the development of software and analysis algorithms for data processing, and works continuously with highly renowned specialists in statistical modeling and programming, data analysis related to the evaluation of climate variability and change, national forest inventories, estimation of forest degradation, pest and disease management, and econometric analysis.

The work carried out by the unit between 2015 and 2021 has resulted in:

73 Publications

distributed in book chapters, books, technical reports and scientific articles

15 Graduates

taught in Biostatistics

134 International trainings

taught in 17 countries

85 Students

postgraduate students from CATIE and other educational institutions have been advised on their theses

Success story

Leaving footprints on professionals in the region

Oscar Lanuza, a Nicaraguan national, graduated in 2016 from CATIE's Academic Master's Degree in Management and Conservation of Tropical Forests and Biodiversity and currently works as a full professor at the Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) in the Estelí Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty.

Oscar indicates that his time at CATIE, especially the Biostatistics Unit, was an extraordinary experience that allowed him to meet professors and researchers with extensive scientific experience, as well as to form alliances that last until today.

During his stay at CATIE, Oscar participated in the International Diploma in Biostatistics, which he considers to be one of the most complete courses in the Latin American region on this subject.

The learning obtained allowed him to handle various updated tools and techniques for the analysis of ecological and agronomic data, with which he has achieved greater ability and independence to develop high-quality scientific research processes. He, in turn, comments that they have been essential for him to advance in his doctoral studies in Terrestrial Ecology, at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.

El trabajo de la unidad de Bioestadística del  CATIE en América Latina y España

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