CATIE has managed and consolidated agreements with organizations and entities in Latin America, which offer financing solutions for people interested in studying postgraduate degrees abroad. This financing allows them to defray the costs of tuition, air tickets and accommodation during the study period.


In addition, the institution also manages projects that include scholarships for master's and doctoral studies. For this financing, students with the best averages in the admission exam are considered, they are contacted directly by the Graduate School.


If you are interested in pursuing postgraduate studies at CATIE and wish to apply for a scholarship or educational loan, it is important that you know in detail the calls and procedures to opt for one of these financing models.


In turn, you must consider that the conditions vary from one country to another, in terms of coverage amounts, application dates, requirements, required documentation, application opening and closing dates.


It is recommended to carry out a preliminary research, analyze options and compare the requirements, benefits, and obligations for each of the existing financing opportunities in your country. You should keep in mind that this process can take between four and five months.

Open call for scholarships

In general, they are non-reimbursable funds that are awarded based on merit criteria, either for the academic performance of the applicant, their socioeconomic conditions and/or professional profile. It is important to consider that in many cases scholarships require the person to return to their country of origin and join a specific labor sector (based on the interests of the entity that awards the scholarship).

Most of the calls require that the applicant has completed the admission process (or, that said process is very advanced and has very specific procedures pending).

a) Convocatorias anuales: Tienen una ventana de aplicación con fecha de apertura y recepción de documentos definida (generalmente, es la misma todos los años). Las personas interesadas deben leer y analizar muy bien las condiciones y requisitos de la beca, así como determinar si la convocatoria incluye el tema de la maestría que desean cursar, si especifica el país en que se hará la maestría, si el monto de la beca es suficiente para cubrir todos los gastos (analizar si se otorgan becas parciales o totales) y el período de estudios que cubre.

b)Convocatorias extraordinarias: Dependen de la existencia de fondos específicos y/o atienden una necesidad puntual. Las personas interesadas en tener acceso a este tipo de fondos deben estar muy pendientes de las publicaciones que realicen las organizaciones que financian estudios de posgrado en sus respectivos países. Se sugiere consultar (vía correo o por teléfono) o bien, visitar las entidades que cuenten con recursos para becas en el extranjero

c) Programas estatales y/o gubernamentales: Lo más recomendado es acceder a las páginas de los ministerios (Agricultura, Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales, etc.), así como de las dependencias estatales relacionadas con sostenibilidad en cada país.

Below is a list of organizations that grant scholarships or financing in any of the above modalities:

Important considerations:

  • Prepare an essay (cover letter) stating why you think you deserve a scholarship. Explain what contribution you would make to your country, your community, and your family.
  • Be clear about the commitments and responsibility that your scholarship requires. In general, the donor will require reports and submission of grades.
  • You must be clear about the amount you require to cover the studies in full. Don't forget to include living costs (room and board). In some cases, scholarships include other expenses, such as transportation; do your research.
  • The search for financing is personal and requires an investment of time and dedication.


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