
Research and development

Projects and relevant activities in Belize

Climate Smart Agriculture Technology and Systems for Risk Management. Design and implementaton of a training program focused on the Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) approach, to build the capacity of the extension services and farmer leaders to increase the resiliency to climate change in Belize’s agricultural sector. Trainees are extension officers of the Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) Project, as well as part of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprises, and other relevant agricultural and environmental institutions. This training program will build upon previous work developed by CATIE, MoA and UNDP focused on CSA as a strategy to address climate risk in Belize.

Development of an Integrated and Comprehensive Agroforestry Policy Framework for Belize. Aimed at analyzing the status of agroforestry practices, along with forest and environmental policies that may contribute to enhance tree coverage in farms as a means to increase carbon sequestration – to meet Belize´s obligations under the Paris Agreement and enhance the resilience to climate change. In partnership with the National Climate Change Office of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management, and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN).

Improving Livestock Productivity and Climate Resilience in Belize. Promotes the adoption of climate-smart livestock production technologies, such as the rehabilitation of degraded pastures, the enhancement of tree coverage, and other silvopastoral innovations aimed at increasing productivity, income, and resilience to climate change in livestock farms. CATIE works on enhancing the capabilities of BLPA members and livestock extension staff, to scale up new technologies, with the support of the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) Innovation Laboratory.

Value Chain Market Assessment for each Priority Area identified in the Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) Programme. It applies a value chain analysis that works with stakeholders to identify and prioritize the potential efficiency improvements in the value chain production, processing, and marketing; which would benefit smallholders, women, youth, and other actors along seven pre-identified value chains in Belize. The project is funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Climate Vulnerability Assessment for each Priority Area identified in the Resilient Rural Belize (RRB) Programme.Aimed at analyzing key climatic aspects that must be taken into consideration to climate-proof the investments that support the prioritized value chains, as means to optimize value chain interventions.The project is funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

What does CATIE offers to the country?

CATIE can help the country in the following areas: knowledge management, training in human resources, rural development, extension, family farming, agro- ecology, cocoa and coffee agroforestry systems, sustainable intensification of livestock production, forest management, climate change adaptation/mitigation, water balance and security, and information platforms for holistic territorial analysis, among others.

Capacity Building

Graduate Training

  • Since CATIE´s creation: 12 MSc graduates (6 female and 6 male)
  • None currently enrolled.

Training (Since 2018):

  • 137 professionals and technicians (30 female, 107 male).
  • More than 600 families trained on the use of technological innovations for improving their livelihoods.

Strategic partners

The impact of our efforts is scaled up thanks to a network of partners in different sectors. Since CATIE started activities in Belize, we have established partnerships with more than 25 institutions in the public and private sector; including academia, government and non-go- vernment institutions, rural communities and farmers organizations, and the international cooperation.

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