CATIE has had a presence in Colombia since 1996 and collaborated with national institutions to provide a timely, coherent, and innovative response to the demands and needs at different levels and thematic areas of the country.

Research and development
Relevant CATIE projects or actions in Colombia
- KoLFACI Cocoa Project: Improvement of cocoa production using improved germplasm and climate-smart agriculture practices. Network of emonstration-research plots in 18 cocoa farms in eight countries participating in the KoLFACI initiative.
- CLIMIFORADC Project: Potential impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems in Latin American mountain ranges and tools for management adaptation. Works in Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, and Mexico (IDB).
- Initiative 20x20: National Effort for the restoration of 20 million hectares of degraded lands in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2020. It works in Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica, Chile, and Guatemala (World Resources Institute - WRI).
- Productive Landscapes: Multifunctional Productive Landscapes that Support Resilient Communities Based on Forest Use. Works in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Ecuador (Natural Resources Canada - NRC).
- Joint Project of the United Nations Environment and Industrial Development Programs (UNEP-UNIDO): CATIE hosts and manages the Climate Technology Center and Network. Operating in Colombia, Costa Rica and Chile.
- Evaluation of the Impact of Silvopastoral Systems in the Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change: Analyzes and proposes guidelines for the scaling up of silvopastoral systems in the national territory (FEDEGAN project).
- Technical Advisory to the Alto Magdalena Regional Autonomous Corporation (CAM): Supports the formulation of the Climate Change Action Plan (PACC), which will define the strategies for adaptation and mitigation of climate change in the department of Huila.
- Sustainable Management of Forests in the Andean Region (ORGUT Consulting): CATIE provides the lead instructor for the Forest Products Value Chains module of the Sustainable Forest Management Program in the Andean Region.
- Diets Program for the Implementation of the Participatory Territorial Management Internship Based on the New Territories of Peace Approaches (N ° 00 of 2015-SUB 225): CATIE collaborates with the Consortium for Sustainable Integral Development and Peace of Guaviare (DESIPAZ).
- Discussions on Sustainable Colombian Livestock organized by the MSGSC-FAO-Alianza Bioversity / CIAT, the National University of Colombia and CATIE: A fundamental element of the transformation of bovine livestock in Colombia to promote its sustainability, the improvement of productivity and the achievement of of the competitiveness of the chains of meat, milk and their derivatives, in accordance with the expectations of the markets and the final consumer (https://www.biopasos.com/gestion.php#compo8).

Offer of value for the country
CATIE can support the country in the following areas: knowledge management, human resource training, rural development, rural extension, family farming, agroecology, agroforestry systems with coffee and cocoa, sustainable intensification of livestock, sustainable forestry management, adaptation / mitigation of climate change, water security and information platforms for comprehensive territorial approach, among others.

Capacity Building
Graduate Training
- 284 Colombian of master's and doctorate degrees (115 women and 169 men)
- 23 current students (8 men and 15 women)
There is the AGROSAVIA – CATIE Scholarship Program for postgraduate studies.
Non-formal training
- 474 professionals and technical personnel (198 women and 276 men)
- 68 environmental actors in the Diploma on Climate Change of the Government of Nariño-Climate Action Program
- 60 participants in the Workshop on Uses and Sources of Sustainable Livestock (MADR- FAO-TFA-FEDEGAN-CATIE)

Strategic partners
CATIE has woven in Colombia a network of strategic partners that involves key government institutions linked to agriculture and the environment, civil society organizations, international centers, International Cooperation, academic entities, the private sector, and local organizations.
More information:
Astrid Pulido Herrera
CATIE Representative in Colombia astrid.pulido@catie.ac.cr