
Research and development

Program to strengthen capacities in the formulation of proposals to access climate finance

Implemented by CATIE's Forests, Biodiversity and Climate Change Program.

Modality: Virtual (10 learning modules).

Implementation date: From June 24 to September 6, 2019.

Managed and supervised by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE).

Supported by the Latin American Future Foundation - Climate and Development Alliance (FFLA - CDKN) and the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ).

Objective: To develop and implement a capacity building program that would allow participants to learn about the national and international context and the different sources of climate finance, as well as the necessary tools to be able to present proposals to donors, with a special focus on requirements of the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

Participants: 49 representatives of different Ecuadorian institutions from both the public and private sectors, academia and local governments.

Other courses taught by CATIE

  • Carbon Measurement and Monitoring Course (in conjunction with the University of Tolima).
  • Course on Strengthening Capacities in Good Practices for the Management of Forest Inventory Information in Ecuador (provided to the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador and FAO).
  • Diploma in Biostatistics at the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIAP) of Santo Domingo.
  • International Diploma in Research in Agroforestry Systems at INIAP.
  • Ecosystem Services Evaluation Course at the Chimborazo Higher Polytechnic School (ESPOCH).
  • Inventory Data Analysis Course Forestry at INIAP.

Master in Biostatistics at ESPOCH

  • As of 2020.
  • CATIE will be responsible for the curricular program and coordination of international professors for the delivery of courses.

Technical assistance

  • Desarrollo de proyectos de carbono azul, principalmente en el Golfo de Guayaquil.
  • Forge an alliance with the universities of the Ecuadorian coast and Loja to carry out actions in blue carbon.
  • REDD + and MRV assistance with training in carbon measurement methods to the Ministry of the Environment, in collaboration with FAO / UN-RED.
  • Analysis of the institutional process of the National Forest Assessment (NFE) of Ecuador and suggestions for the establishment of the Forest Monitoring Unit of the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador.
  • Technical assistance in carbon measurements and monitoring in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Chocó Andino Model Forest

  • CATIE has coordinated the Latin American Model Forest Network (RLABM) since 2005, when it assumed its presidency and management.
  • On June 17, 2013, Ecuador joined this Network and in March 2016 the social platform called the Chocó Andino Model Forest was formalized.
  • The Chocó Andino Model Forest allowed the creation and strengthening of an environmental dialogue table that promotes programs and projects with sustainable productive and conservation purposes.


Recently, three proposals have been presented to ProAmazonía to be financed with resources from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in capacity building:

  1. Field Schools in coffee
  2. Field Schools in cacao
  3. Field Schools in livestock

Capacity Building

To date, CATIE has 194 master's degree graduates in Ecuador (7.38% of all graduates): 

Men: 138 | Women: 56

In 2019, a total of nine Ecuadorians were active as students at CATIE's Graduate School.

Men: 8 | Women: 1

From 2010 to date, a total of 712 Ecuadorian professionals have been trained with our short courses, specializations, etc. developed at CATIE headquarters in Turrialba, Costa Rica.

Men: 478 | Women: 234


On March 10, 2019, an agreement was signed with the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador to develop joint cooperation on issues of common interest, such as protection, management and forest management, bioeconomy and comprehensive hydrographic management, through research processes, strengthening of capacities and raising of proposals to search for financing.

More information:

Michelle Noelia Rodríguez CATIE-Ecuador Liaison

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