The Republic of Haiti occupies the western third of Hispaniola Island, which it shares with the Dominican Republic. It has an area of 27 750km2 and a population of 11.4 million inhabitants with a high density of 408.8 inhabitants/km2.   

Although Haiti is not a member, CATIE has been working for several years in different thematic areas and cooperation actions are still being maintained, with special emphasis on water resources and agroforestry with coffee and cocoa. The incorporation of Haiti as a member country is being negotiated since 2020. More than 30 professionals graduated from CATIE have held positions of great importance, five have been ministers and others have successfully ventured into international NGOs and the academic sector. CATIE will continue working to contribute to the socioeconomic and environmental development of Haiti and identifying those areas where relevant contributions can be made.


CATIE offers its experience in the management of water resources and territorial planning since it has a track record and experience in this country in this area. Likewise, it has ventured into the agroforestry sector with an emphasis on coffee, cocoa, and value chains to strengthen food security. Additionally, it can provide services in other areas, such as climate change, family farming, sustainable livestock, circular economy, forest management and agrobiodiversity, among other topics.


Postgraduate and training



Programme d’Innovation Technologique en Agriculture et Agroforesterie (PITAG)

IICA and CATIE work in coordination with the NGO Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders (AVSF) to support the Ministry of Agriculture of Haiti and increase the agricultural productivity of small producers and improve the use of natural capital through the adoption of sustainable technologies in six geographical areas of the country. Likewise, it seeks to strengthen the capacities of providers of agricultural goods and services approved by the PITAG, so that they can provide adequate technical advice to farmers benefiting from the incentives. This project is financed by the World Bank and the IDB.

Kafé Makaya

Together with OXFAM-Canada, CATIE supports the coffee sector in strengthening the capacities of coffee-producing families in southern Haiti, as well as the implementation of agroforestry and agro-ecological production systems to improve their income.

Plan de ordenamiento territorial de la vertiente sur del macizo de La Selle (Departamento Sureste)

CATIE cooperates with Haiti in the preparation of the land use plan for the southern slopes of the La Selle massif, with the objective of managing and configuring the basins hydrographic and coastal areas of the country, in order to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and vulnerable communities to climate change and threats associated with human interventions. The communities of Jérémie, Pestel and Anse à Rouge are supported in the development of their respective development plans to improve resilience to climate change. Funding from UNDP is available for this purpose.

Other projects in numbers

2 proyectos finalizados en el último año 7 proyectos en ejecución


The strategic partners with whom we work in Haiti belong to the public sectors and the international community. In the public sector there are the Ministries of Agriculture and the Environment and the Cross-Border Technical Commission, in the academic sector the Quisqueya University and among international cooperation organizations there are IICA, UNDP, OXFAM, AVSF, IDB, World Bank and the Canadian Cooperation, among others.

More information:

Office of the Director General
CATIE, Sede Central

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