CATIE México
Has been a member of CATIE since 1995, but even before that date, CATIE has developed actions in the country to provide a timely, coherent and innovative response to demands and needs at different levels.
CATIE can support the country in the following areas: knowledge management, human resource training, rural development, rural extension, family farming, food and nutritional security, agroecology, agroforestry systems with coffee and cocoa, sustainable intensification of the livestock, sustainable forest management, adaptation / mitigation of climate change, water security and information platforms for a comprehensive territorial approach, among others.
Entrenamiento de Posgrado:
- Since its creation in 1944: 227 graduates to date (69 women and 158 men)
- Currently eight students (3 women and 5 men)
From 2014 to date
- 713 professionals and technicians trained (289 women and 424 men)
- 2852 families trained
- 600 volunteer livestock promoters trained
- Three interns (1 doctoral and 2 undergraduate)
Relevant CATIE projects or actions in Mexico

Biodiversidad y paisajes ganaderos agrosilvopastoriles sostenibles (BioPaSOS)

Desarrollo y adopción de tecnologías ligadas al sistema de MRV para REDD+ y el Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo Forestal

Restauración Ecológica de Manglares y su Impacto en la Captura y Emisión de Carbono

Intercambio de germoplasma de cacao
The impact of our actions is enhanced thanks to an extensive network of partners from various sectors. Since it began activities in Mexico, CATIE has formed strategic alliances with various partners, both from the public and private sectors, as well as local governments, academia, international cooperation, non-governmental organizations, community groups, rural producers, and their organizations. In the last two years, agreements have been signed with the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco (UJAT), the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (SAGyP) and the Secretariat of Environment and Natural History (SEMAHN) of Chiapas, the University of Guadalajara (UDG) Jalisco and the Secretariat for Gender Equality (SEIGEN) of the State of Chiapas.
More information:
Claudia J. Sepúlveda L.
Enlace del CATIE en México