Has been a member of CATIE since 1980, but even before that date, CATIE has developed actions in the country to provide innovative and timely responses according to the demands of the government and the productive sector.

Research and development
Relevant CATIE projects or actions in Nicaragua
Sentinel Landscape Project Nicaragua – Honduras It seeks to establish long-term monitoring areas that allow determining the impact of policies on the management and conservation of natural resources, as well as the livelihoods of rural communities. The project includes the mapping of institutions that govern the access and use of natural resources, the analysis of processes and drivers of changes in land use, as well as the role of various agroforestry systems and the integration of adaptation / mitigation in the policies of climate change and land use, among others (CATIE/ICRAF).
Project Agriculture Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Harvesting in Nicaragua: Agua en Nicaragua: Its purpose is to help 2,500 families of small and medium producers from 10 municipalities of the Dry Corridor in the north-central part of the country to establish productive systems that are more resilient to climate change and improve their food and nutritional security and ensure an adequate systematization of learning. Some achievements achieved so far are the design and validation of a methodology for the selection of sites and beneficiaries of water harvesting, the diagnosis of 2304 family units as potential beneficiaries, the development of a new, more durable, and lower-cost tank than the Zamorano model for water harvesting and the formulation of a research agenda on water harvesting for the country. In addition, in the face of the COVID-19 emergency, a humanitarian aid initiative was developed with food packages and productive reactivation for a total of 1,105 families in four municipalities (CATIE / MEFCCA / MAG / INTA / IICA, with support from SDC).
Project Adaptation to Changes in the Markets and the Effects of Climate Change (NICADAPTA): Designed to improve the income and quality of life of rural families and facilitate access to the markets for coffee and cocoa with added value as mechanisms reducing vulnerability to the climate change impact. In this process, the strengthening of producer organizations and public institutions is essential to create an environment conducive to the development of coffee and cocoa value chains. It operates in the departments of Nueva Segovia, Madriz, Estelí, Jinotega, Matagalpa, and Río San Juan Boaco, as well as in communities and territories of the autonomous regions of the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic. CATIE provides technical assistance to the MEFCCA in this IFAD-financed project.

Offer of value for the country
CATIE can support the country in the following areas: knowledge management, human resource training, rural development, rural extension, family farming, agroecology, agroforestry systems with coffee and cocoa, sustainable intensification of livestock, sustainable forestry management, adaptation / mitigation of climate change, water security and information platforms for comprehensive territorial approach, among others.

Capacity Building
Graduate Training
- Since its creation in 1947: 195 Nicaraguan professionals (67 women and 128 men)
- Currently seven students (3 men and 4 women)
From 2014 to date
- 1,470 professionals and technicians trained (1006 men and 464 women).
- 2500 families have strengthened their abilities in greater capacity to produce innocuous food, supplementary and better participation of youths and women in decision-making, greater agrobiodiversity in the production of yards and prioritized productive systems, more than 2000-farm plans and 2000-yard plans, strengthening of governance instruments and strategic planning for the incorporation of the gender perspective and more participation of women and youths.
- More than 940 families trained in the use of innovations for the harvest, management, and water use.

Strategic partners
The impact of our actions is enhanced thanks to an extensive network of more than 30 partners, both from the public and private sectors, as well as from academia, international cooperation, non-governmental organizations, community groups, rural producers and their organizations.
More information:
Regina López
Representative a.i. of CATIE in Nicaragua regina.lopez@catie.ac.cr