CATIE has been active in the country since 2013 and obtained legal status in Peru in 2015. However, even before those dates, many Peruvian professionals have benefited from training activities. The first Peruvian graduate obtained a master's degree in 1953.

Research and development
Developed or current projects
- KoLFACI Cocoa Project: “Improving cocoa production through the use of improved germplasm and climate-smart agriculture practices”. Network of demonstration-research plots in 18 cocoa farms in eight countries participating in the KoLFACI initiative.
- 20x20 Initiative: National Effort for the Restoration of 20 million hectares of degraded land in Latin America and the Caribbean by the year 2020. Working in Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica, Chile, and Guatemala (World Resources Institute – WRI).
- Ibero-American Network of Model Forests (RLABM): Includes 24 model forests and 13 member countries from Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain. Its objective is to contribute to improving the standard of living of populations through the generation of economic, social, and environmental benefits from the management and restoration of ecosystems. CATIE oversees the Presidency and Management of the Network, working with FAO, CIFOR and CUSO as strategic partners. In Peru, three model forests have been installed with the support of CATIE: Pichanaki, Rio Huayabamba Abiseo and Villa Rica.
- Peru participates in the Regional Project "Mechanisms and Networks for Technology Transfer Related to Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean" financed by the GEF through the IDB.
- National Quality Award Contest for Agricultural Innovation Projects- INIA-Caral 2020. This activity is organized by INIA through the National Agricultural Innovation Program (PNIA). Its objective is to promote agricultural innovation through the documentation, dissemination and awarding of successful cases of technological, institutional, and organizational innovations. CATIE has supported the supervision, evaluation, and dissemination of the results of the contest that identified 20 cases of innovations in small and medium-sized agriculture that have benefited more than 250,000 families.
- “Diagnosis and Collaborative Proposal for Research and Technology Transfer between INIA and CATIE for Sustainable Livestock in the Peruvian Tropics”. Consulting report to INIA. La Molina, Pucallpa and Tarapoto.
- "Strengthening of INIA in research and training on issues related to the sustainable production of coffee and cocoa in Peru." Consulting report to INIA. La Molina, Pichanaki, and Pucallpa.
- “Capacity building in sustainable intensification of livestock in Ucayali and Huánuco. Sustainable Productive Landscapes in the Amazon.” MINAM-MIDAGRI-PNUD-FMAM-CATIE-GORES. In execution from 2021 to 2023. Its objective is to strengthen the technical capacities of different actors linked to the production of value chains in the livestock sector, to intensify sustainable livestock production, through the implementation of field schools and the establishment of system prototypes. silvopastoral, in priority areas of the departments of Ucayali and Huánuco where the PPS project operates.
- “Peruvian Extension and Research Utilization Hub (PERU HUB).” USAID-UNALM-Purdue, Oklahoma, Utah State-CIAT-CATIE-INIA-IIAP.

Offer of value for the country
CATIE is capable of supporting the country in the following areas: knowledge management, human resource training, rural development, rural extension, family farming, food and nutritional security, agroecology, agroforestry systems with coffee and cocoa, sustainable intensification of livestock and silvopastoral systems, sustainable forest management, climate change adaptation/mitigation, water security and watershed management, information platforms for a comprehensive territorial approach, among others.

Capacity Building
Postgraduate and training
- 182 graduates to date (141 men and 41 women)
- 9 current students (7 men and 2 women)
- 841 trained professionals and technicians (531 men and 314 women)
- More than 5,000 professionals and producers trained in talks, workshops, seminars, and face-to-face and virtual conferences held in Peru in the last five years

Strategic partners
CATIE has established alliances with multiple public and private institutions to increase the impact of our actions. These have included the Ministries of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of the Environment, the Specialized Technical Organizations (INIA, SERFOR, SERNAMP), International Organizations (IICA, ICRAF, CIAT, FAO), National Universities (UNALM, UNU) and Private (UPC, ESAN), Municipalities and Associations of Producers, among others.
More information:
Hugo Li Pun, PhD
CATIE Representative in Peru