Dominican Republic

Has been a member since April 1982 and since that date, CATIE has developed actions in the country to provide a timely, coherent and innovative response to the demands and needs at different levels of the agricultural sector and natural resources.

Research and development

Relevant CATIE projects or actions in the Dominican Republic in the last three years

Technological-financial alternatives for the renovation, rehabilitation and promotion of coffee plantations in the Dominican Republic: It is implemented in coordination with INDOCAFE and the study involves more than 400 farms throughout the country.
Measurement of biomass and CO2 in non-forested plantations in the Dominican Republic: The study, carried out in coordination with the Directorate of Climate Change of the Ministry of the Environment, incorporates areas of coffee, cocoa, grasslands, and coconut plantations.
Strengthening the capacity of the In Vitro Seedling Propagation Laboratory (BioVega): These are actions to improve the in vitro production system of seedlings of different crops led by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic.
Training in the Agroforestry Design and Management of Coffee Plantations to Increase Yields and Ecosystem Services: It is a project that is implemented in coordination with INDOCAFE.
Use of Geographic Information Systems for the Monitoring of Agroforestry Systems and their Contribution in the Reduction of GHG Emissions: It consists of the monitoring and adoption of technologies for the generation of maps of agroforestry systems that allow generating a baseline for their monitoring, linked to actions to reduce emissions in the Dominican Republic, in coordination with the Directorate of Climate Change of the Ministry of the Environment.
Evaluation of the Behavior of Eight Cocoa Clones Developed at the Experimental Cocoa Farm in Mata Larga (Dominican Republic): The clones were incorporated into CATIE's International Cocoa Collection and evaluated in Turrialba, under an agreement with the National Cocoa Commission of the Dominican Republic.
Mangroves for Development / Strengthening Livelihoods and Climate Resilience in the Province of Monte Cristi: This project is carried out in coordination with the Vice Ministry of Coastal and Marine Affairs, with the support of two partners from the private sector.
Capacity Development Program for the Management of Coffee and Cacao in Three Pilot Sites using the Field Schools Approach: It works in coordination with INDOCAFE, the Department of Cacao and the National Cacao Commission of the Dominican Republic.

Offer of value for the country

CATIE can accompany the Dominican Republic in the following areas: knowledge management, postgraduate education of human resources and teaching, rural development, rural extension, family farming, food and nutritional security, agroecology, agroforestry systems with coffee and cocoa, sustainable intensification of livestock, sustainable forest management, adaptation / mitigation of climate change, water security and information platforms for comprehensive territorial approach. CATIE's offer of technical cooperation is flexible and, to the extent of its possibilities, adapts to the country's demands and priorities.

Capacity Building

Graduate Training

  • Since its creation in 1944, 80 Dominican professionals have graduated at master's level (62 men and 18 women)
  • Current students: 26 Dominicans (17 men and 9 women)

From 2014 to date

  • 451 professionals and technicians (383 men and 68 women) trained in different topics related to CATIE's work and are a priority for the country.
  • In 2020, a group of 60 Dominicans completed an International Diploma in Integrated Pest Management (DiMIP), under an agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture, CATIE and two local universities (ISA and UASD).
  • 20 professionals and technicians from different institutions carried out missions to CATIE headquarters in the last three years to learn about the different research and development programs that CATIE executes.

Strategic partners

CATIE's actions in the Dominican Republic are strengthened thanks to coordinated work with strategic partners from the public, academic, private and international cooperation sectors, with whom CATIE coordinates its cooperation actions, with a view to responding to the demands and priorities of the country. To this end, in the last three years 15 agreements have been signed with various partner institutions. In addition, the Dominican Association of CATIE and IICA Graduates works actively in the country.

More information:

Gustavo A. Gandini Villegas

Representative for the Dominican Republic

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