Alejandra Martínez-Salinas
- Mainstreaming of Natural Capital and Biodiversity into Planning and Decision-Making: Cases from Latin America and the Caribbean
- Bee pollination affects coffee quality, yield, and trade-offs within them
- Silvopastoral systems and remnant forests enhance carbon storage in livestock‑dominated landscapes in Mexico
- Ecosystem services by birds and bees to coffee in a changing climate: A review of coffee berry borer control and pollination
- A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production
- Managing the farmscape for connectivity increases conservation value for tropical bird species with different forest-dependencies
- Interacting pest control and pollination services in coffee systems
- Multi-objective forest restoration planning in Costa Rica: Balancing landscape connectivity and ecosystem service provisioning with sustainable development
Adina Chain-Guadarrama
- Bee pollination affects coffee quality, yield, and trade-offs within them
- Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas en pequeñas fincas de granos básicos en Guatemala y Honduras
- Uso de prácticas de Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas por pequeños cafetaleros en Centroamérica
- Ecosystem services by birds and bees to coffee in a changing climate: A review of coffee berry borer control and pollination
- Conservación de aves, abejas y los servicios ecosistémicos que estas prestan a la producción de café: Guía de buenas prácticas
- Potential trajectories of old-growth Neotropical forest functional composition under climate change
- Climate change impacts and adaptation among smallholder farmers in Central America
- Interacting pest control and pollination services in coffee systems
Diego Delgado
- Biomass of timber species in Central American secondary forests: Towards climate change mitigation through sustainable timber harvesting
- Potencial de conservación de la biodiversidad de bosques y árboles en fincas del paisaje ganadero Catacamas, Honduras
- Estrategias de restauración activa en áreas de potrero del Corredor Biológico Rincón-Cacao, Costa Rica: estado de la biodiversidad vegetal 20 años después de su implementación
- Biodiversidad y servicios ecosistémicos de bosques de montaña de la Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica: investigación aplicada a la gestión para la adaptación al cambio climático
- Altitude and species identity drive leaf litter decomposition rates of ten species on a 2950 m altitudinal gradient in Neotropical rain forests
- Manual para el monitoreo ecológico y productivo de bosques secundarios latifoliados de Mesoamérica
- Altitude and community traits explain rain forest stand dynamics over a 2370-m altitudinal gradient in Costa Rica
- Above-ground biomass storage potential in primary rain forests managed for timber production in Costa Rica
- Soil resistance and recovery during neotropical forest succession
- Drivers of tropical rainforest composition and alpha diversity patterns over a 2,520 m altitudinal gradient
Sergio Vilchez‑Mendoza
- Patterns of shade plant diversity in four agroforestry systems across Central America: a meta‑analysis
- Searching for manatees in the dark waters of a transboundary river between Mexico and Belize: a predictive distribution model
- Multi-dimensional temperature sensitivity of protected tropical mountain rain forests
- Quantifying movement of the coffee berry borer at the interface between coffee plantations and adjacent land uses
- Altitude and community traits explain rain forest stand dynamics over a 2370-m altitudinal gradient in Costa Rica
- Structure, diversity and the conservation value of tropical dry forests in highly fragmented landscapes
- Local Perceptions of the Livelihood and Conservation Benefits of Small-Scale Livelihood Projects in Rural Madagascar
- Tree diversity in a tropical agricultural‑forest mosaic landscape in Honduras
- Drivers of tropical rainforest composition and alpha diversity patterns over a 2,520 m altitudinal gradient
- Assessing the joint effects of landscape, farm features and crop management practices on berry damage in coffee plantations
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